Oh, the infinite possibilities that exist with just a little imagination and some spray paint. For years, I needed a new, more visible way to display my jewelry, then the solution became quite clear a few weeks ago when I suddenly found myself with several vintage frames.
I am thrilled with the result because, for the price of less than five dollars, I now have new jewelry holders.
Remember those old frames that I wrote about a few weeks ago after I created a new reading nook for my kids? I had bought vintage artwork at thrift stores and switched the frames to more modern ones, leaving me with several unattractive frames.
I am embarrassed to say that my collection of jewelry had been languishing in a plastic bag (!!!) on a shelf in my closet for several years. I've always enjoyed changing my jewelry on a daily basis, happily collecting mostly silver pieces throughout my travels and storing them in a small standing cabinet in my closet. Unfortunately, I put most of my jewelry away when my youngest started grabbing my earrings with all his might while I was wearing them. Ouch! To make matters worse, he began rummaging through my jewelry drawers, so I put my jewelry away in a plastic bag, expecting to find a solution. But then I became pregnant with my daughter and, before I knew it, four years had passed.
Then, I saw something while hanging out with a girlfriend at a Los Angeles boutique recently.
The jewelry display struck me for its simplicity. Now here was something that I could replicate easily, but the best part is that my jewelry would be out of reach of my kids yet visible so I could quickly choose at-a-glance what to wear even during harried mornings.
The stars must have aligned because right about that time I found a large bag of yarn at the thrift store on sale for 50 percent for a grand total of two dollars. I decided to paint the frames for a little more bling, especially since I already had the paint out while working on another project.
For a cleaner look, I also decided to use thumbtacks on the back rather than wrapping the yarn around the frame.
For now, I've only put my earrings on these jewelry holders, but may add different types of jewelry later.
I think my husband often wonders why I have a bunch of "junk" in the garage, but most everything has found a home inside after a little repurposing magic.
Love your comment about the "junk" in your garage:).
What a cool idea this is! I have no real spot for my jewelry either, and as I accumulate more, it's getting more cluttered. Doesn't re-purposing feel GOOD???
What a great idea! I know what you mean about the dangers of babies and jewelry. I have a baby nephew who LOVES to pull on my hair, earrings, necklaces, whatever. Anything shiny that comes into his view...watch out!
Torrie, Yes, my husband was in the garage yesterday looking for lightbulbs and said he kept stumbling over a bunch of things I put in there. :) The best part of this jewelry holder is that I have a visual reminder everyday that I have more than enough earrings.
this is a wonderful idea, and i guess i'll be cpying it for my shop...
thanks for sharing.
you have cute jewellery.
Great, great idea, thanks for sharing it. I will be making mine soon. ;}
Very creative! I love the idea.
These turned out beautifully Minnie, what a fabulous way to store your jewelery at the same time as having it on display. Would be great for storing and displaying hair clips for your little blossom too. I love that you have made them from vintage frames and oooh the colour is gorgeous:) Hope you are having a wonderful week so far. Hugs as always dear Minnie ~ Txx
Hey Minnie....I so need one of those...thanks for sharing...I also wanted to say thanks for stopping by my little blog and leaving such a sweet message! I looked around your home and I see you love colour as much as I do...I just posted about my first giveaway and would love for you to enter if you're still dreaming of a pink Christmas then this might be perfect for you! come by and check it out ! thanks again...I'm your newest follower !
Such a creative idea. You must be thankful to that friend with whom you hung out at the LA boutique.
Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for your comment the other day (regarding the "Life is Art" post)!
I responded on the blog and thought I'd say thank you here just in case you didn't see my response!
Hope all is well:).
This is such a great idea and I'd love it's one that can be done with what I already have in the house. I have a couple of bags of yarn around the house that I've found lots of uses for other than just knitting and I certainly have a few frames hidden here and there. Thanks for sharing!
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