Dear friends,

A lot of time has certainly passed since we last met. I've been doing a little of this and a little of that, which adds up to a bunch of little things and a whole lot of time. Mostly, I've been trying to enjoy my kids before school swallows them up and taking steps to return to my first love: journalism.
Not a week has gone by that I've meant to post here again, but I've had so many things competing for my time that the blog got so dusty I didn't quite know how to come back. The truth is that I've considered shutting down Mama Without Borders due to lack of time to update it but I somehow have gained a few new followers and my daily readership continues to increase. More importantly, spending time on my blog and many of yours truly has enriched my life in so many ways that I'm reluctant to let it all go just yet.
Thank you to all my loyal readers and blog friends for continuing to peek in from time to time and for keeping me on your blog rolls. I am thankful, as always, for your attentions. I am back today and whenever I can wing it.
Minnie you are back!!! hip hip hooray!!! I understand your long absence, kids, partner, family, daily chores and health can keep one busy. But I'm glad you are back!
ive been the same but im so glad you didnt, lovely to have u back !!!! x
I'm so glad you haven't given up your blog, I've only just found it..
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