My reading secrets, revealed

Read all about them on the Dutch literary blog, Plankje Ongeregeld.

Inge, the author of Plankje Ongeregeld (The Literary Shopper Blog), and I bonded recently over our shared love of books and all things literary. I'm honored that she has kindly included me in her series of "Bloggers Read and Tell" series. Since Inge and I met online, I've eagerly been plunging into the gem-filled archives of her blog, salivating over many of her posts the past couple of years. At least those I've been able to understand.

A clarification is in order here. Inge has been blogging from Belgium in Dutch and English, but she says she recently decided to blog only in English from now on. Yaay! I encourage you to head over there, not just to read my about my weird reading habits (and see a painting of me at age 17), but to find all sorts of literary goodies that Inge has collected. Enjoy it all here.


1 comment:

Plankje Ongeregeld said...

How incredibly sweet of you to link to my blog in a separate post Minnie. And thank you so much for the lovely comments. I'm pleased as Punch that you like what I'm doing!

And I would never call your reading habits weird, I'm like that too;-)

Thank you again for the interview, I'm still chuckling about the reading in the shower part.