Sometimes, I'm raring to go once the week starts. Other times, I need to spend a little more time with my morning tea to get going.
Today, I'm excited and ready to continue all the creative projects I put on hold over the weekend because I've just spent some time looking through a most inspiring Tumblr blog called, "
Somehow, looking at others' creative spaces and process is invigorating, practically propelling me off my chair to get to work (or to stay in my chair if I'm doing some creative writing).
2. The sparse furnishings and accessories in the room above still convey a sense of style. Though I tend to have lots of things around me when I'm working, I know others prefer to have a less distracting work area. I wonder if the person working here lives here as well, or whether this is a working area conveniently outfitted with a place to rest.
3. Another a clean slate, another stylish space. Sometimes, I wish I could pare down my writing room to just a few things like in the room above, but I find myself constantly reaching for a book or some other form of inspiration near me when I'm writing.
4. The room above is more my style, with books and papers everywhere. Interestingly, this was part of a series of shots on workspaces that was described as a behind-the-scenes look at the offices of Martha Stewart Living. I guess I shouldn't be so shocked, but I always pictured everything related to Martha Stewart to be a picture-perfect ad for color-coded organization.
5. Something about the industrial look calls out to me, particularly in this sewing area, softened by a few textural objects here and there.
6. The photo above shows part of a studio belonging to painter Maj Kalfus, where vivid and colorful paintings serve as a beautiful backdrop while she's working.
7. When I'm actually working, my space truly looks like the one above, which belongs to chef and celebrity caterer
Lulu Powers.
8. I admire the way someone in the photo above has carved out a tiny work area amid the bustle of a kitchen. It reminds me a little of
where I blog.
9. Sometimes the best spaces are those that like they were composed organically, bit by bit, as the owner found things to make the space hers or his as in the photo above.
10. What a fabulous wall! Need I say more about the work area above?
If you liked the photos above, be sure to check out the
workspaces Tumblr blog for more. I picked out some of my favorite interiors shots for this post, but there is so much more on the site, including tons of shots of famous and not-so-famous people.
I hope you have a productive week and you accomplish whatever work goals you have set out for yourself.